Asian Hornet workshop, 30 June 2024

The Asian Hornet is a highly aggressive predator which poses a significant threat to honey bees and other pollinators in the UK. Numbers of the destructive insect rose rapidly in 2023 and more were detected in the UK than in the previous six years combined.

Just one Asian Hornet can hunt down and eat 30 – 50 honey bees a day and their habit of hawking (hovering) outside the hive stops the bees from collecting nectar and pollen to feed themselves. Come along to a workshop to find out how to distinguish between a European and the non native species of Asian yellow legged hornet.

You will discover how to report a sighting and how to make a monitoring trap for yourself.

Just bring a 2 litre ridged lemonade or water bottle and the rest will be provided for you to make a monitoring trap in a workshop lasting approximately an hour and a half.

The workshop is led by Jude from the Brighton and Lewes Beekeepers Association.

She will also bring some honey for sale.

Free for BHOGG and WAGA members – register via Eventbrite:

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